Friday Five: Jay Stargaard

  1. How would you explain what you do in one sentence?

I co-create with the Divine to hand-craft stainless steel, bronze and copper into one-of-a-kind sculptures that sparks the light of inspiration inside of you!

  1. Tell us a little bit about where you draw your inspiration from?

My inspiration comes from the things in this world that when I experience them they feel good.  My sculptures reflect Nature, Love, Joy and intentional transformation. The internal transformation into choosing to live an extraordinary life. 

  1. What is some advice you’ve received that has helped you navigate your career?

There are three pieces of advice that has inspired my artistic journey. First, “It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just begin.” When I heard this simple whisper in the wind I felt a glimmer of a freedom unfamiliar to me. I wanted to feel that again. I noticed when I made something just for fun it felt good, so began to chase that feeling. The shackles that kept me in a frozen state of fear and doubt unlocked. Slowly at first, then picked up momentum and I began to create and feel good more and more. The second, was to “be me and trust myself”. All the experiences I have participated in during this lifetime has perfectly designed me to be who I am. By growing and trusting my skills and heart, I allow the unique version of how the divine expresses itself through me to flow. It takes form in the happiness I feel and the beauty of the Art. It allows me to see visions and has given me the skills and techniques to fabricate the sculptures I see. The third, is to “focus on the feeling of what I desire and envision for myself”. Allowing how I feel to be my guide. If it feels good that is a “Yes”, if not, I turn my attention away from it to the next best feeling I can find in the moment.  These three energies have propelled me into the fabrication of Art that feels good. Art that illuminates joy and the beauty of our lives. My hope is that it reflects back to you your own light and that it inspires you to live an extraordinary life!

  1. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

If I could have dinner with anyone I would choose Oprah Winfrey. Not only would we have fun, but the potential of what we could create together, with the love we both carry in our hearts, would be beyond incredible!

  1. What is a quote, mantra or motto you live by?

“Thank you and I love you”

“Do something creative, anything! It opens doors for new opportunities to come into your life. And, do something fun ‘cause that’s the pathway of the Divine!”

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